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From the desk of Pastor W. Brooks Harrison...

Greetings in the Name of Our Savior and Lord Jesus the Christ:

"Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ." - I Corinthians 2:14

     This statement was made about a "people" whose faith in God has no limits. Faith brings us, "the believers" to the reality of victory over every circumstance that stands in the way of our success.

     I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow in the world, but I do know what is going to happen to us because the "Word of God" says that we, the Greater Beard Chapel AME Church family, will always triumph in Christ Jesus. The economic world may fall apart and wars may increase abroad, but we should never fear because God is our source. The just shall live by faith. We as a body of believers need to continue in the path which God has laid for us. In spite of the obstacles, keep moving forward and let nobody or persons prevent us as individuals or as a body of believers (the church) from reaching our goals.

     Too many of us are waiting for God to do something, but God is waiting on us. For example, the children of Israel stood helplessly and in despair after their Exodus out of Egypt. The Red Sea was in front of them and the Egyptian Army was behind them. "They cried out to the Lord, then the Lord said unto Moses, "Wherefore cries thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, then they go forward. But lift thou up thy rod and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it, and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea."(Exodus 14: 15-16)

     God didn't say "Stretch out your rod and I'll divide the sea." No! He told Moses to stretch out his rod and divide the sea! God is saying the same thing to us here at Greater Beard Chapel, GO FORWARD! We as a body need to get hold of the fact that we have to do something. He gave Moses a rod. What has God given us? What has God given you? God has already done all He's ever going to do.

    Greater Beard Chapel, the Power of God will be manifested when we put some action to our faith. In our own strength, we are limited, but in God, there is no limit! We can triumph!

    Jesus Christ has already purchased "victory" for us, but you and I (we) the church, must do something about it. Greater Beard Chapel, Christian believers, brothers, and sisters, if you would dare to believe God, act in faith, and step out on the promises of God, we will always triumph.


Have a blessed year in Christ,

W. Brooks Harrison, Pastor

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